Global Quality Migrant Policies: Hong Kong Free Trade Port employment visa hong kong Support for Global Talents

(I) Work permit in China

1. Excellent foreign students who have obtained a master’s degree or above in domestic colleges or universities and are employed in Hong Kong can get work permits.

2. Excellent foreign graduates of the current year who have obtained a bachelor’s degree or above in a “Double-First Class” university in China, whose majors match the job description can apply for work permits without having work experience.

3. Foreign technical personnel in the field of tourism services, tropical agriculture, new medicine and other similar fields who work in Hong Kong, can obtain work permits as required.

(II) Internship

Foreign students studying in overseas colleges and universities and getting an internship in high-end hotels, hospitals and international schools in Hong Kong can apply for relevant visa with the invitation letters from relevant units and the education certificate of a foreign university.

(III) Part-time Job

Foreign high-level talents can work part-time in Hong Kong with the consent of their employer and part-time employer.

(IV) Full-time Job

1. Foreign talents can participate in open recruitment of government-sponsored institutions in Hong Kong as required.

2. Foreign technical personnel can be employed in Hong Kong as required.

Global Quality Migrant Polices: Hong Kong Free Trade Port Quality Migrant Admission Support

(I) Facilitation measures for admission of high-level talents and talents in short supply.

1. Foreign talents who meet the foreign high-end talent (Class A) standards required by Classification and Standards for Foreigners Working in China (Trial) can work in Hong Kong and enjoy the foreign talent visa application policy (Category-R visa).

2. Other foreign talents working in sectors where there is a short supply and urgent need of such talents for economic development could apply for the foreign talent visa (R visa), workpermit, and enjoy favorable stay or residence policies, as well as other facilitation services in business approval,taxation and insurance.

3. High-level technical and management personnel introduced to key areas and industries in Hong Kong, specialists in urgent need and members of sci-tech innovation teams could apply for the visa with relevant materials at entry ports of Hong Kong.

(II) Expansion of visa-free scope in Hong Kong and adjustment of the duration of stay


1. Expanding the scope of visa-free entry

On top of offering visa-free entry for traveling, people from the approved 59 countries could also apply for visa-free entry with the purpose of commercial activities, investment visa, visit, family reunion, medical treatment, exhibitions and conventions, sports events, etc.

2. Adjustment to the visa-free stay duration

Those who hold a visa-free entry into Hong Kong could stay for more than 30 days. Hong Kong will apply a differentiated visa-free stay policy for people from different countries.

3. Expanding the visa-free entry application channels

The preliminary visa-free application platform will be improved in order to standardize the application information, and allow foreigners visa-free entry through self-application or invitation and reception by localentities, instead of relying on invitation and reception by travel agencies.